Monday, March 7, 2022

An Adventure for Carlena

 Carlena was a busy woman.  She owned a small business, and she ran it well. She kept her house in perfect order. She did all the things that she thought were expected of her. The problem is that she was tired of being predictable, dependable, and stuck in the same rut.  She wanted an adventure.  As Reba McEntyre would say, she wanted a little adventure with some security.  She prayed that God would send her an adventure.

               Carlena went to a park in the city to take a walk.   The world’s fair was there in 1982.  There is a giant ball, the Sunsphere, which stands tall in the sky. You can take an elevator to the top and look over the town.  It is surrounded by walkways and water features.  The city is filled with the kind of noisy peace that is exactly what Carlena needed.  It was easy for Carlena to be alone with God when she was seemingly lost in the crowd.

               She parked her car in the public lot.  The smell of food trucks filled her nose as she closed her door. She scurried across the street and started up the walkway.  Carlena could not believe her eyes. There was a brown suitcase.  It was probably at least fifty years old. It was made from wood and looked a little rough. It was sitting against a concrete wall.  She was curious about what was inside.  She thought about opening it, but that would be rude.  She thought about calling for help, but it was not any of her business. She shrugged it off and moved on.

               Carlena was headed for the water fountain.  It is beautiful.  Carlena wanted to sit there, but there were people there filming something.   She wasn’t sure what was going on, but it seemed like a big deal.  The cameraman smiled at her.  The crew seemed open and receptive.  Carlena was curious. She thought about asking what was going on.   The director looked at her and said, “Hi!” Carlena nodded, put her head down, and went on about her way. She didn’t want to make them think she was trying to be nosy.


               Carlena decided the amphitheater would be a better option. She got there and took a seat on the stage looking out at the water.  A gentleman walked up behind her and said, “Nice view! I might have to join you.”  She smiled and said, “I was leaving.  It is all yours!”  As she walked away, she thought, “That guy looked like Bon Jovi!  I’m sure he hears that all the time.”


               Click click was the sound her car made as she walked up.  She cranked up the air and sat inside. She cried out to God in a loud voice, “Do you ever listen to me?!  I asked you for an adventure. I knew I couldn’t have one and I was going to settle for some time alone with you.  Did I even get that, no?  I came to this park and every step of the way, I got interru...- “
God interrupted her audibly.


               “STOP! My stubborn little girl.  I love you.  I sent you three adventures and you ignored them all.  The suitcase contained a mystery, one that you would have never forgotten, and it would have been great fun!”  The film crew was filming a commercial for a new restaurant that Bon Jovi is opening in your city.  One of the actors didn’t show up. They needed someone to be an extra.  You would have been paid, gotten free concerts tickets, a VIP invitation for the restaurant opening, and an experience of a lifetime.   You guessed it, that man on the stage, that was Bon Jovi.   He did come over to sit and enjoy the view.  He also needed someone to manage the events at his restaurant. If you had sat there, you could have talked.  You would have been offered that job.”


               “My daughter, adventure is everywhere just as I am everywhere.  Keep your eyes open.  You miss a lot because you are afraid, or you are sticking to a schedule.  I do not fit inside a box.  Follow me, listen to and for me.  I will guide you.   Life with me is always an adventure.  I’m your father and I love you.”

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