Call me. It doesn't matter what day it is or what time. Life is not lived by simply being alive. It's lived by connecting with others.
My son called me to pick him up at 4:45A.M. I had dropped him off at an all-night event (I didn't want him to drive home tired the next morning) and he was ready to go.
I went, picked him up, and we stopped to eat. As I looked across the table at him it made me laugh. I wish I could show him what a blessing youth is. I wish there was a way we could download our experiences into our children so they wouldn't have to go through things the hard way. I wish we could make them understand the importance of enjoying and engaging others.
As the thought crossed my mind, our server came over. He shared stories of how he had been treated that day.
Sometimes, what other people need most is a human connection. We should listen, be present, don't judge, and don't have expectations or conditions.
I've heard people say, "Nothing good happens between midnight and daylight." "They were out all hours of the night! No telling what they were up to!" How many times have you heard statements like this? Stop it. Don't be that person. Judging others isn't helping anyone. Late night hours doesn't always mean people are up to no good.
Some of my best memories happened during those late night hours.For example, when I was a young adult, I remember being in a fast food parking lot at 3A.M. I was with my best friend, Julie, and maybe ten others. We were not drunk or high. We were young and bored. We played football with a 20-ounce soft drink bottle. It was great!
Tonight, my son wasn't doing anything wrong but he wanted to come home.
Be that safe place for your friends, family, teenagers, and even the stranger. It doesn't cost anything to listen. The greatest investment you can make is to the people you share your world with. Be that safe place even when the person across from you is venting and grumpy.
Treat people like people. It is a simple way to let the light of Jesus shine through you.
Forgive me when I fail to listen as well as I should, when distractions overtake me, and when I forget to make time for you.
Call me. I'm going to invite you to church and I'll probably want to have coffee. Regardless, I want you to know, it is okay to call me.