Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Church ain't the building, why go?

I keep hearing people say "Church ain't the building, we can have church anywhere because we are The Church.

That is true.  The Church is the body of believers and you don't need a building to worship.


  • Are you?  Are you really having worship consistently away from the church building?
  • Are you called to preach? 
  • Are you called to prophesy?
  •  Are you studied up?  
  • Do you feel qualified to lead the service? (I don't mean education, I mean spiritually)
  • Speaking of education, how much Bible do you know? 
  • How's your focus on faith been without going to church? 
  • Would you rather listen to music live or via device? 
  • Ever been to a sporting event, concert, or other outings and felt the energy of the crowd?
  • Ever needed a hug? 
  • Ever left an event feeling motivated and focused? 
  • Ever needed a close connection to others? 

We want to hear music live! We want to go to sporting events live! There is energy and power when you get people together.  

It is not likely you are as consistent with worship away from the church.  We aren't all called to preach, prophesy, or lead services.   Our church leaders have dedicated their lives to knowing God's word.  The entirety of their focus is to encourage us in Christ.   Do you really think you don't need a pastor? 

Do you remember the Bible stories about the Shepherds?  Yes, of course, Jesus is the Good Shepherd but God set forth pastors and leaders to watch over the congregation.  We are fighting spiritual warfare. The spirit of fear is an excellent example.  That spirit is not of God and it is running rampant. 

You can think of it as coaching.  All would agree that athletes need coaches. Pastors are to the congregation what coaches are to athletes.  I saw an illustration yesterday where a coach handed an athlete a piece of tape and asked him to place it as high above his head as he could.  The athlete did so.  Then the coach asked the athlete to place it a little higher.  The athlete did by at least three inches!   The coach said, "You will do what you think is your best, my job is to encourage you to more."

We need interaction with the body of believers.  We need to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.  We need our church family and the world needs THE CHURCH.   Congregations are a great way to pool resources and achieve things for the Kingdom. How much traction would a gang or the mafia have if they separated?   They stick together because they are out to achieve a mission.   We can go further together! 

Be careful is saying we don't need a church.  We do need it and so do our communities!  What would our nation look like if the churches closed?  

Photo Credit

Monday, May 11, 2020

After While Crocodile~

Hey Cousin -

You aren't going to get to read this, because you have moved on to Heaven.  You went on and I didn't get to say goodbye.  I've got some things to tell you...

I remember you as a teenager.  You LOVED to lay in sun...  You with your baby oil, iodine, and aluminum foil.  I never did understand that, but you sure loved it.  My Mama did too.

You told me one day, "I'll never be so blame strict on on my kids! I'm going to let them do whatever they want!"  If your kids are reading this, they are probably laughing.

I remember when you got married. You were crazy about that Chuck Woods.   I heard Bernice say, "They'll never make it, they's just kids"   You didn't care about that - You married him anyway.

You used to say things like, "Now Teresa, let me tell you..."  I'd just shake my head because I wasn't exactly "coachable" in my younger days.

I remember how you loved your coffee... I love it now too.

 I was there when your Mama got sick, and even when she passed away.   I guess after that is when we lost touch a bit.   Mamaw Trula and Marylou were the glue that held life together. It hasn't been the same without them.

I remember how it was when your Mama was sick.  Everyone was always around, feeling sorry for her.  I remember that last cookout at her place.  It was a lot to process.   I guess that's why you didn't tell us when you got sick.  You didn't want nobody feeling sorry for you.  That took a lot of strength. You were right, we would've made a big fuss.  I'm certain it was more important to you to have that precious time with your kids and Chuck.

Bernice sure called it wrong about you and Chuck,  you did make it.  You made it all the way 'til death do you part.   You were right about Chuck but you were wrong about one thing. You were "that blame strict" on your kids.   It surely worked, they all four grew into fine adults.  I'm impressed with the great job you did with them.  I know you and Chuck are so proud.   I still can't get over how much your Tyler looks like Quint.  I still miss Quint. You tell him I said, "Hello".

Remember Preacher Earl Johnson?  I'm sure you do. You're probably drinking coffee with him, Mamaw, Marylou, and Quint right now.   Papaw is probably sitting there quietly while y'all catch up.  I'm sure they were standing beside Jesus when you got there.    I bet Jesus had some angels fry up some taters and make a big pan of biscuits.   I can only imagine what a time you are having. Say, "Hi" to all of them for me too.  You tell them I said, when Jesus comes for me - they better be waiting on me!

Anyway, about Preacher Earl... He used to say, "Give folks flowers while they are alive, they won't know it when they are gone."  That's why I sent them flowers a couple weeks ago.  I didn't want you to die, but it was almost like I could see his face and hear him saying, "Send Retha flowers while she is alive."   That ain't nothing compared to all the years we lost, but I can't change that now.

I did visit at Christmas.  If I remember correctly, I promised to come for Sunday dinner one day.  I don't know how long I'll be but I intend to keep that promise. When I get there, we will have us a Sunday dinner.   It'll be great, even better than when we were kids.

This is not goodbye.  I'm saying, "Later gator" and I know you are saying, "after while crocodile"

Love you -
In Loving Memory
Retha Woods who moved to Heaven 05/11/20

Friday, May 8, 2020

Hmmm... It's like the Bible predicted what's happening now...

Do you know what the Bible says about current events?  Here is a chart with a few of those things.

They shall not drink strong wine with a song
Bars closed
Harps ceaseth
No concert venues open
Cities confused,
Every house shut up so that no man may come  in
People quarantined not allowing visitors
Crying for wine
Liquor stores have been closed in many states
City streets empty
NYC is a good example
Joy is gone
Many are scared and/or depressed
Read Isaiah 24:8-11

Hmmm...  Do you see how fitting that is with what we are living through today? 

If you keep reading in verse 13 the Bible says, "...there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done."

The olive tree in this instance is symbolic of the anointing (which is the Holy Spirit) that God's people have. 

In Bible gleaning is when you would "shake out" everything that was left at harvest so that nothing was wasted.  (The book of Ruth provides a beautiful illustration of this. In the book of Ruth Boaz left plenty for Ruth to pick up easily) 

If you are a Christian God is telling you to "shake" or let your anointing flow in a way that makes it easy for others to pick up.  That might mean sharing your faith on social media, supporting your church in whatever they are doing to offer services, or it might mean showing the love of Christ to all those you meet. 

If you are curious about Jesus or the Christian faith, God is leaving plenty for you to pick up.  The fruit of the spirit will be around you in heaping piles and all you have to do is pick it up. 

Verse 14, I especially love.  As you may have heard, it was suggested that churches not sing.  Isaiah 24:14 says, "They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord..."

There is so much more in this!  There is so much more in the Bible!!!  I'll stop for today and get to work.

Think about this...  The Bible is more than a book.  The more you read it, the more you will be uplifted and find hope. 

New York City Region Is Now an Epicenter of the Coronavirus ...

Photo Credit: 

I blew it...

I overheard a conversation between my son and his friend.   My immediate reaction, “Son!”  He laughs out loud and replies, “Pfffff, don’t s...